
Imaginary physiology of plants

Plant are silent and offer themself to the world. Our superficial daily glances, let us show it motionless and inertOf course, scientists in biology studie the vital processes of plants, including metabolism, organization, water management, mineral nutrition, growth and development, irritability (reaction to the environment), movements. They call this science plant physiology.

However, they are not the only ones to have reconsidered this rough and immediate observation of plants, because artists have also “observed” the plants differently through their sensitive approach.
Indeed, strengths that cross nature echo artistic practice. The correlations between the science of life and arts are obvious. I feel that the living and arts are both driven by inextinguishable creative forces. And plants as arts are crossed by mysterious and deep needs

A sensitive approach to tame living.


In my later article I told that I look at plants as a piece of art. Second, my new work aimed at “using it”, but not only as a pattern. I considered it rather as a material to reveal thanks to the artistic imagination. Therefore I share fully this Paul Klee’s vision

(…) the artist does not grant to the appearances of nature the same binding importance as its many realistic detractors. He does not feel so much submissive, the well defined shapes do not represent to him the essence of the creative process in nature.
Paul Klee, Theory of Modern Art

Vegetables (in Latin: vegetabilis, vegetare, grow) are living organisms and are made up of cells, fibers and cell tubes. They are said to be virtually devoid of sensibility whereas they feed, grow and reproduce. Not so long ago, it has even been shown that they have their own language and also a memory. This is in any case what asserts a study of the University of Western Australia published in 2015.
Today no one can deny that, by invisible dynamics, plants have been for billions of years the creators of our atmosphere and allow animals and humans to live on this planet.

One of the artist’s ways of working is to immerse oneself in his subject.

This is what I have undertook by plunging myself poetically into the organic vegetable tissue.
From drawing to drawing, I have imagined biological mutations at work.
Drawing after drawing, I “have listened to their songs” with the desire to translate the dazzling vitality of the plant world.

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If you want to discover all these 32 drawings, see here

Video : veronique egloff
Musique : Titre:  The Bane of Tadziu Auteur: Th.e n.d        Source: https://soundcloud.com/th-e-n-d
Licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/
Téléchargement (14MB): https://www.auboutdufil.com/index.php?id=452

Cet article est aussi disponible en: French

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